Home / News / Patrick Murray RIP
Patrick Murray RIP
Archive, News | 02.06.2022

Patrick Murray RIP

Home / News / Patrick Murray RIP
Archive, News | 02.06.2022

Patrick Murray

1946 – 2022

Sad news has reached us of the death of Patrick Murray, a stalwart of squash in Fitzwilliam LTC, Leinster and Irish Squash and one of the few Irish members of The Jesters Club.

Patrick captained many teams in Fitzwilliam and also chaired the Squash Committee for a number of years. He served as Masters’ Secretary of both Leinster Squash and Irish Squash and subsequently ran numerous Leinster and Irish Squash Masters’ Opens.

Apart from his strong administrative skills, Patrick will be remembered as a welcoming face at all of the events he organised, was generous to a fault with his time in the promotion of squash and hosted many international and local players in his home during tournaments. He will be fondly remembered by his many friends and family. May he rest in peace.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam

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